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If you really wanna know. . .

My name is Ellen Hudson and the only thing professional about me is being a mom.

All my life I have enjoyed coloring and watching what I color come to life.  My husband is insanely talented and draws some pretty amazing stuff, so one day I got it in my mind to take his art and color it. At first I just wanted to surprise him with his art colored, but then it became something more. . .a passion.


I have a long way to go and a lot still to learn, but for me it's all about the enjoyment and the fullfillment when I am done. It's a process and I'm in it to learn. Sometimes I daydream of getting noticed by a company or famous artist and asked to color something for them. That would be so awesome! But for now. . . I am satisfied with bringing 'mostly' my husband's amazing lines to life with my colors.

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